Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1505 Winnipeg and Brandon
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Transit Employee Appreciation Day - March 18, 2025
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Transit Employee Appreciation Day - March 18, 2025
Transit Employee Appreciation Day - March 18, 2025
Women's History Month
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ATU International News Feed
Congratulations to our Local 697-Toledo, OH, members on their strong new contract.
Local 1287-Kansas City, MO, rally pressures City Council to consider robust funding for KCATA.
King County Safety Task Force our Local 587-Seattle, WA, pushed for in wake of stabbing death of Brother Yim holds first meeting.
Bus strike looms as Brampton transit workers reject contract offer
Our ATU family is continuing to grow! Battlefords Transit System employees vote to unionize.
Robust and reliable public transit is critical for the Kansas City area, our Local 1287 members demand the City invest in the KCATA.
It’s time for the VTA to get back to the table to negotiate a fair deal for our members and quit trying to go to the courts to stop our legal strike.
Come rain or shine, our Local 265 VTA members will hold the line until we get the contract we deserve.
Our Local 770-Mobile, AL, mobilized to make their voices and demands heard.
Our Local 587-Seattle WA, pushed the City Council to form this important task force on safety.
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