Chris Scott

President Business Agent
Chris started with the City of Winnipeg as a Transit Operator in February 1999 and has been active with the Union in some capacity since 2000, when he was accepted as a Shop Steward. The first elected position Chris served in was Recording Secretary for the 2001-2003 term. In addition to that Chris has served in the elected positions of Chief/ Assistant Chief Steward, Executive Board Operations, Financial Secretary Treasurer as well as the current position of President Business Agent. Chris was also happy to serve the membership through numerous committees such as Workplace Health & Safety, Schedules, and Accident Adjudication. Chris has been involved in 4 rounds of Collective Bargaining on behalf of the members in Winnipeg and one for the members in Brandon. In the broader labour movement Chris has been a delegate to the Winnipeg Labour Council, member of the executive for the Manitoba Federation of Labour and the ATU labour liaison to the United Way. Previously, Chris participated as a non member volunteer as a child, helping with set up and takedown during the ATU membership's picnics and Christmas parties.