Resources & Policies
Alcohol and Drug Administrative Standards:
Compassionate Care Leave:
Exception Drug Status (EDS):
Manitoba Highway Traffic Act:
Mobility Restraints:
YouTube Video: Q'Straint : Q'POD Fully Integrated Wheelchair Securement Station
YouTube Video: Q'Straint : On Board with the QUANTUM - Automatic Wheelchair Securement
Operator Relief Points December 2021:
Weingarten Rights:

Winnipeg Transit Master Plan March 2021:
City of Winnipeg Code of Conduct:
City of Winnipeg Social Media Policy:
Employee Use of Public Facing Social Media:
Respectful Workplace Resources:
Respectful Workplace Policy: Addressing and Preventing Sexual Harassment, Harassment and Bullying
Overview of the Resolution Process for Addressing Inappropriate Behaviour
Priority and Courtesy Seating Policy:
City of Winnipeg's Priority and Courtesy Seating Area Policy